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Foreign currency exchange rates

Foreign exchange rates

Currency Non-Cash - Buy Non-Cash - Sell Cash - Buy Cash - Sell
AED 103.3
107.5 103 107.8
AUD 253.5 269 253 270
CAD 272.5 293 272 293.5
CHF 425 441.5 423.5 442.5
CNY 51.8 54.9 Not applicable Not applicable
EUR 416 430 417 431
GBP 494 513 494 513
HKD 48.8 50.6 48.7 50.7
JPY 2.4 2.5 2.4 2.5
RUB 3.88 4.98 3.89 5.01
USD 385 391 386 392
XAU 907.5 949.5 Not applicable Not applicable

Foreign exchange rates

Currency AED
Non-Cash - Buy 103.3
Non-Cash - Sell 107.5
Cash - Buy 103
Cash - Sell 107.8
Currency AUD
Non-Cash - Buy 253.5
Non-Cash - Sell 269
Cash - Buy 253
Cash - Sell 270
Currency CAD
Non-Cash - Buy 272.5
Non-Cash - Sell 293
Cash - Buy 272
Cash - Sell 293.5
Currency CHF
Non-Cash - Buy 425
Non-Cash - Sell 441.5
Cash - Buy 423.5
Cash - Sell 442.5
Currency CNY
Non-Cash - Buy 51.8
Non-Cash - Sell 54.9
Cash - Buy Not applicable
Cash - Sell Not applicable
Currency EUR
Non-Cash - Buy 416
Non-Cash - Sell 430
Cash - Buy 417
Cash - Sell 431
Currency GBP
Non-Cash - Buy 494
Non-Cash - Sell 513
Cash - Buy 494
Cash - Sell 513
Currency HKD
Non-Cash - Buy 48.8
Non-Cash - Sell 50.6
Cash - Buy 48.7
Cash - Sell 50.7
Currency JPY
Non-Cash - Buy 2.4
Non-Cash - Sell 2.5
Cash - Buy 2.4
Cash - Sell 2.5
Currency RUB
Non-Cash - Buy 3.88
Non-Cash - Sell 4.98
Cash - Buy 3.89
Cash - Sell 5.01
Currency USD
Non-Cash - Buy 385
Non-Cash - Sell 391
Cash - Buy 386
Cash - Sell 392
Currency XAU
Non-Cash - Buy 907.5
Non-Cash - Sell 949.5
Cash - Buy Not applicable
Cash - Sell Not applicable

XAU rates are quoted for one thousandth of Troy ounce. XAU SELL rate is shown for information purposes only.

Last updated on:
15.07.24, 10:05 
Last updated on:
Date: 15.07.24, 10:05 

Things you should know

Important information on foreign currency exchange transactions
  Account holders Non account holders
Maximum amount of foreign currency exchange per day The limitations on FX transaction types and amounts are set up by the Bank on the daily basis according to the Bank’s internal procedure. Please refer to the Bank for more information.
AMD 400,000- The Bank can impose also other limitations based on the situation in the market.
The list of required identification documents

Not required1

Passport or Armenian ID card, according to the RA Government Resolution N 767 dates 22.12.1999 "On Indentification documents"

Foreign currency exchange fee Free of charge Free of charge
Exchange fee of mutilated / out of circulation foreign currency banknotes, if all necessary distinctive characteristics and parts are available 5%2 5%2
Important information on foreign currency exchange transactions
  Maximum amount of foreign currency exchange per day
Account holders The limitations on FX transaction types and amounts are set up by the Bank on the daily basis according to the Bank’s internal procedure. Please refer to the Bank for more information.
Non account holders AMD 400,000- The Bank can impose also other limitations based on the situation in the market.
  The list of required identification documents
Account holders

Not required1

Non account holders

Passport or Armenian ID card, according to the RA Government Resolution N 767 dates 22.12.1999 "On Indentification documents"

  Foreign currency exchange fee
Account holders Free of charge
Non account holders Free of charge
  Exchange fee of mutilated / out of circulation foreign currency banknotes, if all necessary distinctive characteristics and parts are available
Account holders 5%2
Non account holders 5%2

Important notice on transactions

'HSBC Bank Armenia' CJSC (hereinafter the Bank), acknowledging the importance of international obligations of HSBC Group and Republic of Armenia in scope of combating money laundering and terrorism financing, as well as compliance with the requirements of the RA Law on Combating Money Laundering and Terrorism Financing, has established internal processes and procedures which are aimed at collection of information and documents related to performed transactions for the purpose of establishing the source of funds and purpose of the transaction.

For this purpose, the Bank may request to provide additional information on the source of funds and purpose of transactions, as well as request additional documents evidencing source of funds and transaction purpose where necessary.

In case if the above mentioned information and documents are not provided, the Bank has the right to reject the transaction.

1 If valid identification document copy is held by the Bank. 

2 Exchange fee will be charged at the Central Bank's exchange rate.

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