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Consent on electronic documents

To HSBC Bank Armenia CJSC (hereinafter: The Bank)

Within the scope of this Consent, all messages, instructions, applications, consents, complaints, claims, acknowledgments and agreements sent to the Bank via the Customer’s e-mail address are considered “Electronic Documents”.

I hereby agree and instruct the Bank that the Electronic Documents sent via an e-mail address provided to the Bank (hereinafter: “e-mail address”) through the “Application-instruction on communication order” (hereinafter: The “Communication order”) shall be considered documents as properly certified and submitted by the Customer in written form. Furthermore, the Electronic Documents sent to the Customer from the e-mail address, will be considered documents duly certified by the Bank. 

I hereby accept and acknowledge that: 

  • Electronic Documents are provided only at the Customer’s risk, and that the documents may be interrupted, viewed, altered, corrupted, contain viruses, may be breached in terms of privacy, be non- secure, may be subjected to interference by third parties or become available to them;
  • Electronic Documents (except for messages addressed to the Bank) shall be properly signed including by electronic confirmation (for example through Adobe Sign or through any other application acceptable by the Bank) and shall be sent in PDF format in readable quality.

I hereby accept and acknowledge that the Electronic Documents sent from the e-mail address, as well as through the electronic system, are accepted by the Bank on following conditions: 

  1. The Bank does not bear liability to the Customer or to third parties, and I will not submit any claim to the Bank requesting compensation for losses incurred by either actions or inaction on behalf of the Bank, with regard to any Electronic Document sent/presumably sent by me to the Bank via e-mail or electronic system, or with regard to any Electronic Document received by me from the Bank via e-mail. The losses include all the liabilities, material damage, payments, claims, expenses (including legal expenses and third parties’ fees, claims, liabilities on the basis of being fully compensated by the third party), damages incurred due to lawsuits, actions or any other losses from other consequences resulting from all types of direct, indirect losses due to actions or inaction that I or the third party may suffer.
  2. The Bank is not obliged to:

    - verify the identity or authorities of the person who has sent the Electronic Document,
    - verify the authenticity of any signature available on the Electronic Document (electronic or otherwise),
    - get additional consent from me prior to the processing of an Electronic document.

    The Bank may at its own discretion verify the validity, authenticity and origins of an Electronic Document (including receiving confirmation from me via telephone for each Electronic Document), and in cases where it is not possible to verify the validity, title or origin of the Electronic Document, the Bank has the right to postpone or refuse to act on the basis of the Electronic document, or refuse the processing of the Document, or to terminate the provision of any service or processing of a request.
  3. I acknowledge that the subject agreement:

    - Compensation is granted in addition to any other compensation provided by me in favor of the Bank and does not replace any previously given consent,
    - Does not restrict the Bank’s right to demand that I provide the original copies of certain documents or advices to the Bank.

Relations under this agreement or any non-contractual obligation arising from it shall be regulated and interpreted in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Armenia. 

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